Issue 13, 2015

One-pot synthesis of meso-structured Pd–CeOx catalyst for efficient low-temperature CO oxidation under ambient conditions


A facile one-pot co-precipitation approach was applied to fabricate a meso-structured Pd–CeOx composite for low temperature CO oxidation. The as-prepared material had a much higher specific area and highly dispersed noble metal species, and thus showed excellent catalytic activity and stability for CO oxidation, especially under ambient conditions. Complete CO conversion could be achieved at as low as 25 °C for 5.9 wt% Pd doped catalyst, when 3.0 vol% H2O was introduced into the feed gas. The reaction mechanism on such a catalyst has been proposed through in situ DRIFTS and kinetic analysis.

Graphical abstract: One-pot synthesis of meso-structured Pd–CeOx catalyst for efficient low-temperature CO oxidation under ambient conditions

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Article information

Article type
09 Dec 2014
18 Feb 2015
First published
25 Feb 2015

Nanoscale, 2015,7, 5691-5698

One-pot synthesis of meso-structured Pd–CeOx catalyst for efficient low-temperature CO oxidation under ambient conditions

G. Li, L. Li, D. Jiang, Y. Li and J. Shi, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 5691 DOI: 10.1039/C4NR07257J

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