Issue 4, 2015

A UiO-66 analogue with uncoordinated carboxylic acids for the broad-spectrum removal of toxic chemicals


Zirconium-based metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are of great importance as sorbents due to their increased chemical and thermal stability when compared to other MOF families. Here we report a novel analogue of UiO-66 modified with oxalic acid via solvent-assisted ligand incorporation. This analogue has the ability to remove ammonia, cyanogen chloride, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and octane at levels greater than or equal to the base UiO-66. We report here the highest known capacities exhibited by a MOF for SO2 and NO2, at pressures less than 0.10 bar and at room temperature, by UiO-66-ox. Furthermore, we show here the importance of the secondary building unit of the MOF in the removal of ammonia and cyanogen chloride.

Graphical abstract: A UiO-66 analogue with uncoordinated carboxylic acids for the broad-spectrum removal of toxic chemicals

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Article information

Article type
19 Nov 2014
06 Jan 2015
First published
07 Jan 2015

New J. Chem., 2015,39, 2396-2399

A UiO-66 analogue with uncoordinated carboxylic acids for the broad-spectrum removal of toxic chemicals

J. B. DeCoste, T. J. Demasky, M. J. Katz, O. K. Farha and J. T. Hupp, New J. Chem., 2015, 39, 2396 DOI: 10.1039/C4NJ02093F

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