Nuclear quantum fluctuations in ice Ih
We discuss the role of nuclear quantum fluctuations in ice Ih, focusing on the hydrogen-bond (HB) structure and the molecular dipole-moment distribution. For this purpose we carry out DFT-based first-principles molecular dynamics and path-integral molecular dynamics simulations at T = 100 K. We analyze the HB structure in terms of a set of parameters previously employed to characterize molecular structures in the liquid phase and compute the molecular dipole moments using the maximally-localized Wannier functions. The results show that the protons experience very large digressions driven by quantum fluctuations, accompanied by major rearrangements in the electronic density. As a result of these protonic quantum fluctuations the molecular dipole-moment distribution is substantially broadened as well as shifted to a larger mean value when compared to the results obtained when such fluctuations are neglected. In terms of dielectric constants, the reconciliation between the greater mean dipole moment and experimental indications that the dielectric constant of H2O ice is lower than that of D2O ice would indicate that the topology of the HB network is sensitive to protonic quantum fluctuations.