Issue 80, 2015

Photo-induced cation translocation in a molecular shuttle based on a calix[4]-biscrown including DCM and DMABN chromophores


We present a new molecular shuttle, consisting of a calixarene core attached to two different photoactive centers, DCM and DMABN. We show that a K+ ion bound to the DCM-grafted crown is translocated towards the other site of the molecule upon photoexcitation, but not released to the bulk.

Graphical abstract: Photo-induced cation translocation in a molecular shuttle based on a calix[4]-biscrown including DCM and DMABN chromophores

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Article information

Article type
20 Jul 2015
18 Aug 2015
First published
18 Aug 2015

Chem. Commun., 2015,51, 14859-14861

Photo-induced cation translocation in a molecular shuttle based on a calix[4]-biscrown including DCM and DMABN chromophores

N. Dozova, R. Kumar, T. Pradhan, F. Lacombat, B. Valeur, J. S. Kim and P. Plaza, Chem. Commun., 2015, 51, 14859 DOI: 10.1039/C5CC06054K

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