Issue 72, 2014

Ultrasound-activated decafluoropentane-cored and chitosan-shelled nanodroplets for oxygen delivery to hypoxic cutaneous tissues


Ultrasound (US)-activated perfluoropentane-cored oxygen-loaded nanobubbles (OLNBs) were recently proposed as adjuvant therapeutic tools for pathologies of different etiology sharing hypoxia as a common feature (e.g. diabetes-associated chronic wounds, anaerobic infections, cancer). Here we introduce a new platform of oxygen nanocarriers, constituted of 2H,3H-decafluoropentane (DFP) as core fluorocarbon and chitosan as shell polysaccharide, and available either in liquid or gel formulations. Such oxygen-loaded nanodroplets (OLNDs) display spherical morphology, ∼700 nm diameters, cationic surfaces, good oxygen carrying capacity (without singlet oxygen generation after sterilization by ultraviolet-C rays), and no toxic effects on human keratinocytes. In vitro, OLNDs are more effective in releasing oxygen to hypoxic environments than former OLNBs, either with or without complementary US administration (f = 1 MHz; P = 5 W). In vivo, sonication of topically applied OLNDs appears essential to allow significant and time-sustained oxygen release. Taken together, the present data suggest that US-activated chitosan-shelled/DFP-cored OLNDs might be innovative, suitable and cost-effective devices to treat several hypoxia-associated pathologies of the cutaneous tissues.

Graphical abstract: Ultrasound-activated decafluoropentane-cored and chitosan-shelled nanodroplets for oxygen delivery to hypoxic cutaneous tissues

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Article information

Article type
17 Apr 2014
04 Aug 2014
First published
12 Aug 2014

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 38433-38441

Author version available

Ultrasound-activated decafluoropentane-cored and chitosan-shelled nanodroplets for oxygen delivery to hypoxic cutaneous tissues

C. Magnetto, M. Prato, A. Khadjavi, G. Giribaldi, I. Fenoglio, J. Jose, G. R. Gulino, F. Cavallo, E. Quaglino, E. Benintende, G. Varetto, A. Troia, R. Cavalli and C. Guiot, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 38433 DOI: 10.1039/C4RA03524K

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