Bio-based semi-aromatic polyamide/functional clay nanocomposites: preparation and properties†
In this paper we first describe the design and synthesis of two novel cationic functional modifiers, i.e. a functionalized β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) derivative and tris(3-aminophenyl)phenyl phosphine oxide (TAP). Cloisite Na+ (clay-Na) and the modifiers were used for the preparation of the organoclay containing phosphine oxide (clay-PO) and of the organoclay containing β-cyclodextrin (clay-CD) via ion-exchange reaction. Biobased semi-aromatic polyamide (BPA)/functional clay (clay-P
O and clay-CD) nanocomposites subsequently were prepared via solution blending. Effects of the two different types of organoclays on the flammable, thermal and mechanical properties of these biobased semi-aromatic polyamide nanocomposites were then studied. The properties of the nanocomposites were found to be strongly related to the nature of the modifiers. The clay-CD based nanocomposites (BPACD) showed more enhancements in thermal stability. The modifier containing the phosphine oxide moiety and triamine groups had stronger interactions with the polymer matrix, and exhibited superior mechanical properties, good flame retardancy and high thermal stability. Thus, we provide a new approach for comprehensive improvement of the properties of these bio-based semi-aromatic polyamide nanocomposite materials.