Issue 16, 2014

Gas-sensing properties of p-type α-Fe2O3 polyhedral particles synthesized via a modified polyol method


The gas sensing properties of polyhedral α-Fe2O3 particles were investigated. The polyhedral α-Fe2O3 particles were synthesized via a modified polyol method with the addition of an extra amount of NaBH4 in ethylene glycol, and fabricated to a thick gas sensing film after calcination at 500 °C and 900 °C. The polyhedral α-Fe2O3 particles exhibited a p-type nature, which is a new result opposite to other results of recent reports of semiconductor gas sensors using α-Fe2O3. In particular, we suggest that the difference between structure and morphology of α-Fe2O3 particles can lead to p-type and n-type characterization. In addition, we suggested that Na ions from NaBH4 were incorporated into α-Fe2O3 oxide. They are the cause of the generation of holes in α-Fe2O3 oxide that led to the p-type nature of α-Fe2O3 oxide. The measurement of the sensor response to hydrogen, carbon monoxide, toluene, propane and ethanol revealed that the sensor device synthesized using polyhedral α-Fe2O3 particles is sensitive to hydrocarbons and ethanol. Importantly, the sensor device using polyhedral α-Fe2O3 particles calcined at 900 °C was strongly sensitive to ethanol due to the porous structure of the α-Fe2O3 particles.

Graphical abstract: Gas-sensing properties of p-type α-Fe2O3 polyhedral particles synthesized via a modified polyol method

Article information

Article type
06 Nov 2013
18 Nov 2013
First published
19 Nov 2013

RSC Adv., 2014,4, 8250-8255

Gas-sensing properties of p-type α-Fe2O3 polyhedral particles synthesized via a modified polyol method

N. V. Long, Y. Yang, M. Yuasa, C. M. Thi, Y. Cao, T. Nann and M. Nogami, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 8250 DOI: 10.1039/C3RA46410E

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