Issue 31, 2013

A new copper chloride chain by supported hydrogen bonding


In the current paper we introduce a new type of Cu–Cl polymer ([H2bipip]2+[CuCl3]2−)n. In this polymer the trigonal CuCl3 units are covalently linked via chloride bridges. The structure is supported by the bipiperidinium cation ([H2bipip]2+) via hydrogen bonds. The cation plays an essential role in formation of the polymeric structure. The closely related piperazinium (H2pip)2+ cation also leads to a hydrogen bonded assembly of CuCl3 ([H2pip]2+[CuCl3]2−), but a covalently bound polymer was not obtained.

Graphical abstract: A new copper chloride chain by supported hydrogen bonding

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Article information

Article type
22 Apr 2013
24 May 2013
First published
27 Jun 2013

CrystEngComm, 2013,15, 6177-6183

A new copper chloride chain by supported hydrogen bonding

M. Tuikka, Ü. Kersen and M. Haukka, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 6177 DOI: 10.1039/C3CE40692J

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