Issue 45, 2013

Morphology-dependent fluorescence ON/OFF of a beryllium complex: ACQ in amorphous solids, AEE in crystalline powders and the dark/bright fluorescence switch


Here we report a bis(2′-hydroxychalcone)beryllium complex Be(HC)2 that displays yellow fluorescence (λem = 557 nm; Φf = 0.10) in solution. Notably, the solution of this complex produces a non-emissive amorphous thin film (ACQ effect; fluorescent “OFF” state) but brightly emissive crystalline powders (AEE-active; fluorescent “ON” state) with deep red (λem = 678 nm; Φf = 0.27) or near infrared (λem = 700 nm; Φf = 0.20) emission colors and the fluorescent “ON” and “OFF” states can be smoothly transformed into each other by simple engineering processes: mechanical grinding and solvent fuming.

Graphical abstract: Morphology-dependent fluorescence ON/OFF of a beryllium complex: ACQ in amorphous solids, AEE in crystalline powders and the dark/bright fluorescence switch

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Article information

Article type
09 Aug 2013
23 Sep 2013
First published
23 Sep 2013

J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013,1, 7507-7512

Morphology-dependent fluorescence ON/OFF of a beryllium complex: ACQ in amorphous solids, AEE in crystalline powders and the dark/bright fluorescence switch

X. Cheng, H. Zhang, K. Ye, H. Zhang and Y. Wang, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2013, 1, 7507 DOI: 10.1039/C3TC31554A

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