An ultrashort laser-assisted method for fast production of concentrated aqueous solutions of ultrapure Si-based colloidal nanoparticles is reported. The method profits from the 3D geometry of femtosecond laser ablation of water-dispersed microscale colloids, prepared preliminarily by the mechanical milling of a Si wafer, in order to avoid strong concentration gradients in the ablated material and provide similar conditions of nanocluster growth within a relatively large laser caustics volume. We demonstrate the possibility for the fast synthesis of non-aggregated, low-size-dispersed, crystalline Si-based nanoparticles, whose size and surface oxidation can be controlled by changing the initial microcolloid concentration and the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Due to their much superior purity compared to the chemically synthesized counterparts and their photoluminescence response, the nanoparticles present the possibility for biological in vivo applications such as drug vectoring, imaging, and therapeutics.
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