Issue 31, 2013

C–H⋯O non-classical hydrogen bonding in the stereomechanics of organic transformations: theory and recognition


This manuscript describes the role of non-classical hydrogen bonds (NCHBs), specifically C–H⋯O interactions, in modern synthetic organic transformations. Our goal is to point out the seminal examples where C–H⋯O interactions have been invoked as a key stereocontrolling element and to provide predictive value in recognizing future and/or potential C–H⋯O interactions in modern transformations.

Graphical abstract: C–H⋯O non-classical hydrogen bonding in the stereomechanics of organic transformations: theory and recognition

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
23 Apr 2013
14 Jun 2013
First published
14 Jun 2013

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2013,11, 5057-5064

C–H⋯O non-classical hydrogen bonding in the stereomechanics of organic transformations: theory and recognition

R. C. Johnston and P. H. Cheong, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2013, 11, 5057 DOI: 10.1039/C3OB40828K

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