Issue 24, 2013

Structurally tailored graphene nanosheets as lithium ion battery anodes: an insight to yield exceptionally high lithium storage performance


How to tune graphene nanosheets (GNSs) with various morphologies has been a significant challenge for lithium ion batteries (LIBs). In this study, three types of GNSs with varying size, edge sites, defects and layer numbers have been successfully achieved. It was demonstrated that controlling GNS morphology and microstructure has important effects on its cyclic performance and rate capability in LIBs. Diminished GNS layer number, decreased size, increased edge sites and increased defects in the GNS anode can be highly beneficial to lithium storage and result in increased electrochemical performance. Interestingly, GNSs treated with a hydrothermal approach delivered a high reversible discharge capacity of 1348 mA h g−1. This study demonstrates that the controlled design of high performance GNS anodes is an important concept in LIB applications.

Graphical abstract: Structurally tailored graphene nanosheets as lithium ion battery anodes: an insight to yield exceptionally high lithium storage performance

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Article information

Article type
10 Sep 2013
06 Oct 2013
First published
10 Oct 2013

Nanoscale, 2013,5, 12607-12615

Structurally tailored graphene nanosheets as lithium ion battery anodes: an insight to yield exceptionally high lithium storage performance

X. Li, Y. Hu, J. Liu, A. Lushington, R. Li and X. Sun, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 12607 DOI: 10.1039/C3NR04823C

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