Issue 4, 2013

Iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction: recyclable heterogeneous iron catalyst for selective olefination of aryl iodides in poly(ethylene glycol) medium


An environmentally friendly iron-based catalyst supported on acac-functionalized silica was successfully prepared and evaluated as a heterogeneous catalyst for Mizoroki–Heck reaction of aryl iodides and olefins. Our catalytic system showed good activities that were comparable to that of palladium catalysts. The catalyst was simply recovered from the reaction mixture and recycled five times. Furthermore, the reaction was carried out in poly(ethylene glycol) as a green solvent. Interestingly, using this catalyst, aryl iodides were selectively olefinated in the presence of aryl bromides.

Graphical abstract: Iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction: recyclable heterogeneous iron catalyst for selective olefination of aryl iodides in poly(ethylene glycol) medium

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Article information

Article type
07 Nov 2012
10 Feb 2013
First published
11 Feb 2013

Green Chem., 2013,15, 1030-1034

Iron-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction: recyclable heterogeneous iron catalyst for selective olefination of aryl iodides in poly(ethylene glycol) medium

A. R. Hajipour and G. Azizi, Green Chem., 2013, 15, 1030 DOI: 10.1039/C3GC36761D

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