Issue 5, 2013

An ideal metal–organic rhombic dodecahedron for highly efficient adsorption of dyes in an aqueous solution


A rare example of an ideal rhombic dodecahedron (rdo), MOP-1, has been successfully synthesized from six dinuclear paddlewheel units and eight flexible triangular carboxylate ligands, which shows highly efficient adsorption of dyes in an aqueous solution.

Graphical abstract: An ideal metal–organic rhombic dodecahedron for highly efficient adsorption of dyes in an aqueous solution

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Article information

Article type
11 Nov 2012
26 Nov 2012
First published
12 Dec 2012

CrystEngComm, 2013,15, 848-851

An ideal metal–organic rhombic dodecahedron for highly efficient adsorption of dyes in an aqueous solution

Y. He, J. Yang, W. Kan and J. Ma, CrystEngComm, 2013, 15, 848 DOI: 10.1039/C2CE26836A

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