Based on Discontinuous Molecular Dynamics (DMD) simulations we present a phase diagram of two-dimensional nano-particles with dipole-like short-ranged interactions. Similar to systems with true, long-ranged dipolar interactions the present system undergoes a transition from an isotropic fluid phase into a polymer-like fluid, characterized by an association of most particles into clusters. Further decrease of the temperature leads to a percolated system which, moreover, displays dynamical properties reminiscent of a gel. Specifically, we find a plateau in the mean-squared displacement and a non-gaussian behavior of the self-part of the van Hove correlation function. In the high density region we observe crystallization from the isotropic fluid into a solid phase with hexagonal order. Surprisingly, the crystallization is accompanied by a global parallel ordering of the dipole moments, i.e., a ferroelectric phase. This behavior is in marked contrast to what is found in 2D systems with long-ranged dipolar interactions. Our results allow insights into the design of gel-like or highly ordered structures at interfaces, shells around droplets and bubbles and new-sheet like materials.
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