Issue 19, 2012

Activity enhancement of Microperoxide-11 immobilized on nanospheres with a nanosize Co3O4 core and a periodic mesoporous organosilica shell


Core-shell nanospheres with a nanosize Co3O4 core and a periodic mesoporous organosilica (PMO) shell were fabricated by the packing and self-assembly of nanosize Co3O4 particles–surfactant–organosilica complexes based on the S+I pathway under basic conditions. The amount of Co3O4 nanoparticles is crucial to the formation of core–shell nanospheres. The obtained nanospheres possess a uniform particle size of 130 nm, a high surface area of 474.1 m2g−1 and a large pore volume of 0.68 cm3g−1, which are highly advantageous to the immobilization of Microperoxidase-11 (MP-11). The presence of Co3O4 nanoparticles could enhance the activity of immobilized MP-11, probably due to their peroxidase activity.

Graphical abstract: Activity enhancement of Microperoxide-11 immobilized on nanospheres with a nanosize Co3O4 core and a periodic mesoporous organosilica shell

Article information

Article type
22 Dec 2011
13 Mar 2012
First published
13 Apr 2012

J. Mater. Chem., 2012,22, 9970-9974

Activity enhancement of Microperoxide-11 immobilized on nanospheres with a nanosize Co3O4 core and a periodic mesoporous organosilica shell

W. Na, Q. Wei and Z. Nie, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 9970 DOI: 10.1039/C2JM16756E

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