Issue 11, 2011

Reactions of the μ3-sulfido triiron cluster [SFe3(CO)9]2 with functionalized organic halides and mercury salts: selective reactivity, electrochemistry, and theoretical calculations


When the μ3-sulfido triiron cluster [SFe3(CO)9]2 was treated with BrCH2C(O)OCH3 in MeCN, the ester-functionalized complex [SFe3(CO)9(CH2C(O)OCH3)] (1) was obtained. Cluster 1 displays a SFe3 tetrahedral core with one of the Fe atoms bonded to an ester ligand CH2C(O)OCH3. In contrast, when [SFe3(CO)9]2 was treated with dihaloalkanes X(CH2)nX′ (X = Cl, X′ = Br, n = 3; X = X′ = I, n = 4) in MeCN, the sulfur-alkylated complexes [X(CH2)nSFe3(CO)9] (X = Cl, n = 3, 2; X = I, n = 4, 3) were formed, respectively. Clusters 2 and 3 each exhibits a SFe3 tetrahedral core with the sulfur atom attached to the halide-functionalized alkyl group. Furthermore, the Hg-bridged di-SFe3 complex [{SFe3(CO)9}24-Hg)]2 (4) was isolated from the reaction of [SFe3(CO)9]2 with 2 equiv. of Hg(OAc)2 in acetone. However, when [SFe3(CO)9]2 was treated with HgI2 under similar conditions, the HgI-bridged cluster [SFe3(CO)9(μ-HgI)] (5) was produced. In addition, complex 4 could be transformed into complex 3 upon treatment with I(CH2)4I in MeCN. Conversely, complex 3 could be reconverted into 4 in the presence of Hg(OAc)2 in an acetone solution. Clusters 1–5 were fully characterized by spectroscopic methods and single-crystal X-ray analysis. In particular, the nature and selective formation as well as electrochemistry of complexes 1–5, which resulted from the different reactive sites (Fevs. S atom) of [SFe3(CO)9]2, were also examined and compared systematically by molecular orbital calculations at the B3LYP level of the density functional theory.

Graphical abstract: Reactions of the μ3-sulfido triiron cluster [SFe3(CO)9]2− with functionalized organic halides and mercury salts: selective reactivity, electrochemistry, and theoretical calculations

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Article information

Article type
28 Mar 2011
01 Jul 2011
First published
20 Jul 2011

New J. Chem., 2011,35, 2442-2455

Reactions of the μ3-sulfido triiron cluster [SFe3(CO)9]2 with functionalized organic halides and mercury salts: selective reactivity, electrochemistry, and theoretical calculations

C. Miu, H. Chi, S. Chen, J. Cherng, M. Hsu, Y. Huang and M. Shieh, New J. Chem., 2011, 35, 2442 DOI: 10.1039/C1NJ20279K

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