Issue 30, 2011

Structural characterization of TaMe3Cl2 and Ta(PMe3)2Me3Cl2, a pair of five and seven-coordinate d0 tantalum methyl compounds


The trimethylphosphine complex Ta(PMe3)2Me3Cl2 has been synthesized by addition of PMe3 to TaMe3Cl2. The molecular structures of both TaMe3Cl2 and Ta(PMe3)2Me3Cl2 have been determined by X-ray diffraction thereby demonstrating that, in the solid state, these complexes respectively adopt trigonal bipyramidal and capped trigonal prismatic geometries.

Graphical abstract: Structural characterization of TaMe3Cl2 and Ta(PMe3)2Me3Cl2, a pair of five and seven-coordinate d0 tantalum methyl compounds

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Article information

Article type
30 Apr 2011
03 Jun 2011
First published
30 Jun 2011

Dalton Trans., 2011,40, 7777-7782

Structural characterization of TaMe3Cl2 and Ta(PMe3)2Me3Cl2, a pair of five and seven-coordinate d0 tantalum methyl compounds

A. Sattler, S. Ruccolo and G. Parkin, Dalton Trans., 2011, 40, 7777 DOI: 10.1039/C1DT10806A

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