Issue 12, 2011

Colorimetric sensing of polyhydroxy compounds by an inclusion complex of boronic acid-modified amylose


A novel sensing method for polyhydroxy compounds has been established based on the stimuli-responsive inclusion complex of boronic acid-modified amylose with iodine. An aqueous solution containing the boronic acid-modified amylose and iodine was coloured bluish purple due to encapsulation of iodine within the helical cavity of amylose. When polyhydroxy compounds were added, the solution gradually lost its colour with increasing concentration of polyhydroxy compounds. This colour change was attributed to the dissociation of iodine from the amylose cavity in response to the polyhydroxy compounds. According to detailed examinations, it was concluded that the origin of the responsiveness is derived from an electrostatic repulsion between anionic boronate groups and iodine.

Graphical abstract: Colorimetric sensing of polyhydroxy compounds by an inclusion complex of boronic acid-modified amylose

Article information

Article type
07 Mar 2011
31 Mar 2011
First published
26 Apr 2011

Analyst, 2011,136, 2521-2526

Colorimetric sensing of polyhydroxy compounds by an inclusion complex of boronic acid-modified amylose

M. Tsuchiya and Y. Kanekiyo, Analyst, 2011, 136, 2521 DOI: 10.1039/C1AN15191F

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