Issue 19, 2010

Short-range smectic order in bent-core nematic liquid crystals


Small angle X-ray diffraction from the uniaxial nematic phase of certain bent-core liquid crystals is shown to be consistent with the presence of molecular clusters possessing short-range tilted smectic (smectic-C) order. Persistence of these clusters throughout the nematic phase, and even into the isotropic state, likely accounts for the unusual macroscopic behavior previously reported in bent-core nematics, including an anomalously large flexoelectric effect (∼ 1000 times that of conventional calamitic nematics), very large orientational and flow viscosities (∼ 10–100 and ∼ 100–1000 times, respectively, typical values for calamitics), and an extraordinary flow birefringence observed in the isotropic state.

Graphical abstract: Short-range smectic order in bent-core nematic liquid crystals

Article information

Article type
08 Jan 2010
03 Jun 2010
First published
13 Aug 2010

Soft Matter, 2010,6, 4819-4827

Short-range smectic order in bent-core nematic liquid crystals

S. H. Hong, R. Verduzco, J. C. Williams, R. J. Twieg, E. DiMasi, R. Pindak, A. Jákli, J. T. Gleeson and S. Sprunt, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 4819 DOI: 10.1039/C000362J

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