Issue 7, 2010

The continuous flow synthesis of butane-2,3-diacetal protected building blocks using microreactors


The continuous flow synthesis of butane-2,3-diacetal protected derivatives has been achieved using commercially available flow chemistry microreactors in concert with solid supported reagents and scavengers to provide in-line purification systems. The BDA protected products are all obtained in superior yield to the corresponding batch processes.

Graphical abstract: The continuous flow synthesis of butane-2,3-diacetal protected building blocks using microreactors

Article information

Article type
19 Nov 2009
24 Dec 2009
First published
10 Feb 2010

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010,8, 1588-1595

The continuous flow synthesis of butane-2,3-diacetal protected building blocks using microreactors

C. F. Carter, I. R. Baxendale, J. B. J. Pavey and S. V. Ley, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2010, 8, 1588 DOI: 10.1039/B924309G

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