Issue 10, 2010

Multiphase bioreaction microsystem with automated on-chip droplet operation


A droplet-based bioreaction microsystem has been developed with automated droplet generation and confinement. On-chip electronic sensing is employed to track the position of the droplets by sensing the oil/aqueous interface in real time. The sensing signal is also used to control the pneumatic supply for moving as well as automatically generating four different nanolitre-sized droplets. The actual size of droplets is very close to the designed droplet size with a standard deviation less than 3% of the droplet size. The automated droplet generation can be completed in less than 2 s, which is 5 times faster than using manual operation that takes at least 10 s. Droplets can also be automatically confined in the reaction region with feedback pneumatic control and digital or analog sensing. As an example bioreaction, PCR has been successfully performed in the automated generated droplets. Although the amplification yield was slightly reduced with the droplet confinement, especially while using the analog sensing method, adding additional reagents effectively alleviated this inhibition.

Graphical abstract: Multiphase bioreaction microsystem with automated on-chip droplet operation

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Article information

Article type
07 Dec 2009
27 Jan 2010
First published
05 Mar 2010

Lab Chip, 2010,10, 1308-1315

Multiphase bioreaction microsystem with automated on-chip droplet operation

F. Wang and M. A. Burns, Lab Chip, 2010, 10, 1308 DOI: 10.1039/B925705E

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