Actinoid transition metal phosphides An2T12P7 (An = Th, U; T = Fe, Co, Ni) and arsenides An2T12As7 (An = Th, U; T = Co, Ni) with Zr2Fe12P7 type structure
The preparation and the lattice parameters for the ten title compounds with Zr2Fe12P7 type structure are reported; six of them for the first time. The crystal structures of the phosphides Th2Fe12P7 (a = 917.3(1) pm, c = 372.2(1) pm), U2Fe12P7 (a = 908.7(2) pm, c = 364.1(1) pm) and U2Ni12As7 (a = 935.9(1) pm, c = 383.5(1) pm) were refined in the space (
- This article is part of the themed collection: Frontiers of synthetic solid state chemistry