Issue 18, 2010

Coordination of Cu2+and Ni2+ with the histone model peptide of H2B N-terminal tail (1-31 residues): A spectroscopic study


The interaction of Cu2+ and Ni2+ with the N-terminal tail of histone H2B, the 31 amino acid peptide H2B1-31 (Ac–PEPAKSAPAPKKG13SKKAVTKAQKKD25GKKRKR–NH2), studied by various spectroscopic techniques (UV/Vis, CD, EPR and NMR) are described. The results showed the formation of Cu2+-H2B1-31 complexes above pH 7.3 most probably through the β-carboxylate group of D25. With the increase of the pH, a mixture of 3 N and 4 N species presenting {2N, CO, εNH2} and {2N, OH2, εNH2}{εNH2} coordination modes, respectively is formed, while at highly basic solutions the binding of an additional amide donor is suggested. NMR spectroscopy supported by CD spectroscopy indicated that Ni2+ coordination takes place most likely through Q22-K23-K24-D25 peptide fragment. Direct coordination to Ni2+, in a {4N} coordination mode, with a severe conformation change in all residues from G13 to G26 was observed. Cu2+ and Ni2+ binding to the N-terminal tail of H2B causes a severe conformational change that might interfere with histone post-translational modifications, possibly leading to epigenetic changes.

Graphical abstract: Coordination of Cu2+and Ni2+ with the histone model peptide of H2B N-terminal tail (1-31 residues): A spectroscopic study

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
24 Dec 2009
11 Mar 2010
First published
31 Mar 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 4369-4381

Coordination of Cu2+and Ni2+ with the histone model peptide of H2B N-terminal tail (1-31 residues): A spectroscopic study

A. M. Nunes, K. Zavitsanos, G. Malandrinos and N. Hadjiliadis, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 4369 DOI: 10.1039/B927157K

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