Issue 10, 2009

Stereospecific synthesis of aszonalenins by using two recombinant prenyltransferases


In previous studies, two prenyltransferases were overproduced and characterised biochemically. AnaPT from Neosartorya fischeri is involved in the biosynthesis of acetylaszonalenin and was shown to catalyse the C3-prenylation of (R)-benzodiazepinedione (6). CdpNPT from Aspergillus fumigatus catalysed the N1-prenylation of different tryptophan-containing cyclic dipeptides. In this report, CdpNPT was found to catalyse the C3-prenylation of 6 and its (S)-isomer (7). Interestingly, AnaPT and CdpNPT introduced prenyl moieties from opposite sides of the indoline ring system. This feature was successfully used for the chemoenzymatic synthesis of four aszonalenin stereoisomers by using 6 and 7 as substrates and AnaPT and CdpNPT as catalysts. The stereoselectivity of the one-step reactions was about 100% and the conversion rates reached 85–100%.

Graphical abstract: Stereospecific synthesis of aszonalenins by using two recombinant prenyltransferases

Article information

Article type
04 Feb 2009
06 Mar 2009
First published
03 Apr 2009

Org. Biomol. Chem., 2009,7, 2202-2207

Stereospecific synthesis of aszonalenins by using two recombinant prenyltransferases

W. Yin, J. Cheng and S. Li, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2009, 7, 2202 DOI: 10.1039/B902413A

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