Issue 8, 2009

A critical look at reactions in class I and II gas-expanded liquids using CO2 and other gases


This short review aims to give a summary of the publications on reactions in class I and II gas-expanded liquids (GXLs) (those with organic or aqueous liquid components), and to draw conclusions from the trends in the current literature.

Graphical abstract: A critical look at reactions in class I and II gas-expanded liquids using CO2 and other gases

Article information

Article type
Critical Review
02 Mar 2009
29 Apr 2009
First published
02 Jun 2009

Green Chem., 2009,11, 1083-1100

A critical look at reactions in class I and II gas-expanded liquids using CO2 and other gases

G. R. Akien and M. Poliakoff, Green Chem., 2009, 11, 1083 DOI: 10.1039/B904097H

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