Issue 33, 2009

One-dimensional hybrid nanostructures with light-controlled properties


One-dimensional organic–inorganic nanostructure has gained extensive attention among photo and photoelectronic applications. Organic and inorganic (metal or semiconductor) nanowires that could, through bottom-up fabrication, as well as template directed synthesis, enable diverse applications in nanoscale electronics and photoelectronics. In comparison, semiconductor organic–inorganic hybrid nanowires have initiated a growing aspect due to their improved photoelectronic and photovoltaic devices as well as light-controlled properties. The motivation of this perspective is to describe the fundamental principles and photonic applications on hybrid nanowires, in which synthesis and light-controlled properties of hybrid organic–inorganic semiconductor nanowires was highlighted.

Graphical abstract: One-dimensional hybrid nanostructures with light-controlled properties

Article information

Article type
19 Dec 2008
19 Mar 2009
First published
20 Apr 2009

Dalton Trans., 2009, 6447-6457

One-dimensional hybrid nanostructures with light-controlled properties

X. Liu and Y. Li, Dalton Trans., 2009, 6447 DOI: 10.1039/B822935J

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