Issue 4, 2008

Transcription factor functionality and transcription regulatory networks


Now that numerous high-quality complete genome sequences are available, many efforts are focusing on the “second genomic code”, namely the code that determines how the precise temporal and spatial expression of each gene in the genome is achieved. In this regard, the elucidation of transcription regulatory networks that describe combined transcriptional circuits for an organism of interest has become valuable to our understanding of gene expression at a systems level. Such networks describe physical and regulatory interactions between transcription factors (TFs) and the target genes they regulate under different developmental, physiological, or pathological conditions. The mapping of high-quality transcription regulatory networks depends not only on the accuracy of the experimental or computational method chosen, but also relies on the quality of TF predictions. Moreover, the total repertoire of TFs is not only determined by the protein-coding capacity of the genome, but also by different protein properties, including dimerization, co-factor interactions and post-translational modifications. Here, we discuss the factors that influence TF functionality and, hence, the functionality of the networks in which they operate.

Graphical abstract: Transcription factor functionality and transcription regulatory networks

Article information

Article type
First published
21 Feb 2008

Mol. BioSyst., 2008,4, 309-314

Transcription factor functionality and transcription regulatory networks

C. A. Grove and A. J. M. Walhout, Mol. BioSyst., 2008, 4, 309 DOI: 10.1039/B715909A

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