Issue 39, 2008

New chemistry of olefin complexes of platinum(ii) unravelled by basic conditions: synthesis and properties of elusive cationic species


The evolution in basic medium ([RO] = 1 M in methanol, R = H or Me) of five-coordinate platinum(II) compounds, [PtCl22-C2H4)(N–N)], 2a–c, (N–N = N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-1,2-ethanediamine, a; 2,2′-bipyridyl, b; 1,10-phenanthroline, c) leads to the formation of [PtCl(η1-CH2CH2-OCH3)(N–N)], 5a–c. The analogous compound 5d (N–N = 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline, d) can also be prepared, but not via transformation of the five-coordinate species 2d in basic medium where it is quite stable. 5d can instead be prepared by reaction of d with a strongly basic methanol solution of Zeise's anion [PtCl32-C2H4)], 1. In such a medium the di-anionic trans-[PtCl2(OR)(η1-CH2CH2-OCH3)]2− species (1″) reacts with d to form exclusively 5d. Hydrolysis of 5a–c with acids bearing weakly coordinating anions leads to [PtCl(η2-C2H4)(N–N)]+, 3a–c, as stable cations; upon the same treatment 5d does not generate 3d, but it reacts with HCl to give 2d in almost quantitative yield. Cationic complexes 3b, 3c, here reported for the first time, were reacted with some nucleophiles and their behaviour compared with that of the already known 3a. In 3b, 3c the metal centre competes with the coordinated ethene for binding to nucleophiles; therefore the acetylacetonate anion can either add to the olefin (affording compounds 6b, 6c) or to the metal ion replacing the ethene ligand (yielding compounds 7b, 7c). Under similar conditions, 3a gives exclusively 6a. Secondary amines readily add to ethene in 3b, 3c, affording the addition products 8b, 8c, which undergo a ready cyclization to an azaplatinacyclobutane ring (9b, 9c). The remarkable ease of the four-membered ring formation has been related to the high electrophilic character of the metal core in 3b, 3c.

Graphical abstract: New chemistry of olefin complexes of platinum(ii) unravelled by basic conditions: synthesis and properties of elusive cationic species

Article information

Article type
20 Mar 2008
02 Jul 2008
First published
21 Aug 2008

Dalton Trans., 2008, 5313-5322

New chemistry of olefin complexes of platinum(II) unravelled by basic conditions: synthesis and properties of elusive cationic species

C. R. Barone, M. Benedetti, V. M. Vecchio, F. P. Fanizzi, L. Maresca and G. Natile, Dalton Trans., 2008, 5313 DOI: 10.1039/B804849E

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