Issue 27, 2008

Characterization of rough surfaces with vibrated drops


Wetting transitions were studied with vertically-vibrated drops on various artificial and natural rough substrates. Alternative pathways of wetting transitions were observed. The model of wetting transition is presented. Multiple minima of the Gibbs free energy of a drop deposited on a rough surface explain alternative pathways of wetting transitions. We demonstrate that a wetting transition occurs when the constant force resulting from vibrations, Laplace and hydrostatic pressure acts on the triple line. It is shown that the final wetting states are mainly the Cassie impregnating wetting state with water penetrating the pores in the outer vicinity of the droplet or the Wenzel state with water inside the pores under the droplet whereas the substrate ahead the drop is dry.

Graphical abstract: Characterization of rough surfaces with vibrated drops

Article information

Article type
04 Jan 2008
16 Apr 2008
First published
28 May 2008

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008,10, 4056-4061

Characterization of rough surfaces with vibrated drops

E. Bormashenko, R. Pogreb, T. Stein, G. Whyman, M. Erlich, A. Musin, V. Machavariani and D. Aurbach, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2008, 10, 4056 DOI: 10.1039/B800091C

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