Issue 7, 2006

4-Dimethylaminopyridinium carbamoylides as stable and non-hazardous substitutes of arylsulfonyl and heteroaryl isocyanates


Arylsulfonyl isocyanates are commonly used for the production of arylsulfonyl carbamates and ureas, finding many commercial uses. Isocyanates are toxic and have usually been prepared using processes that require the handling of dangerous chemicals such as phosgene. Dimethylaminopyridinium carbamoylides (3a–d and 25) have been designed as new, safer and non-hazardous substitutes of arylsulfonyl isocyanates and the previously unreported benzimidazol-1-yl isocyanate.

Graphical abstract: 4-Dimethylaminopyridinium carbamoylides as stable and non-hazardous substitutes of arylsulfonyl and heteroaryl isocyanates

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Article information

Article type
24 Mar 2006
09 Jun 2006
First published
19 Jun 2006

Green Chem., 2006,8, 647-656

4-Dimethylaminopyridinium carbamoylides as stable and non-hazardous substitutes of arylsulfonyl and heteroaryl isocyanates

F. Sączewski, A. Kornicka and Z. Brzozowski, Green Chem., 2006, 8, 647 DOI: 10.1039/B604376C

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