Issue 12, 2006

The advantage of using carbon nanotubes compared with edge plane pyrolytic graphite as an electrode material for oxidase-based biosensors


Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising materials for use in amperometric biosensors. The defect sites at their ends, and on their sidewalls, are considered to be edge plane-like defects and show high electrocatalytic activity toward several biological molecules. However, electrocatalytic activity toward H2O2 has not been compared among bamboo-structured CNTs (BCNTs), which have many defect sites; hollow-structured CNTs (HCNTs), which have few defect sites; edge plane pyrolytic graphite (EPG); and traditional glassy carbon (GC). The advantages of using CNTs in electrodes for biosensors are still equivocal. To confirm the utility of CNTs, we analyzed the electrochemical performance of these four carbon electrodes. The slope of the calibration curve for H2O2 at potentials of both +0.6 V and −0.1 V obtained with a BCNT paste electrode (BCNTPE) was more than 10 times greater than the slopes obtained with an HCNT paste electrode and a GC electrode, reflecting the BCNT's larger number of defect sites. Although the slope with the EPG electrode (EPGE) was about 40 times greater than that with BCNTPE at +0.6 V, the slopes with these two carbon electrodes were nearly equivalent at −0.1 V. EPGE demonstrated excessive electrochemical activity, detecting currents on the basis of consumption of oxygen and oxidation of ascorbic acid, even at −0.1 V. In contrast, BCNTPE could dominantly detect a cathodic current for H2O2 at −0.1 V, even when interfering molecules were added. BCNTPE possesses appropriate electrochemical activity and is an effective electrode materials for developing interference-free oxidase-based biosensors operated by the application of an appropriate potential.

Graphical abstract: The advantage of using carbon nanotubes compared with edge plane pyrolytic graphite as an electrode material for oxidase-based biosensors

Article information

Article type
22 Jun 2006
17 Aug 2006
First published
08 Sep 2006

Analyst, 2006,131, 1292-1298

The advantage of using carbon nanotubes compared with edge plane pyrolytic graphite as an electrode material for oxidase-based biosensors

F. Kurusu, H. Tsunoda, A. Saito, A. Tomita, A. Kadota, N. Kayahara, I. Karube and M. Gotoh, Analyst, 2006, 131, 1292 DOI: 10.1039/B608904F

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