Issue 3, 2006

ATR-FTIR membrane-based sensor for the simultaneous determination of surfactant and oil total indices in industrial degreasing baths


Monitoring the exhaustion of alkaline degreasing baths is one of the main aspects in metal mechanizing industrial process control. The global level of surfactant, and mainly grease, can be used as ageing indicators. In this paper, an attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) membrane-based sensor is presented for the determination of these parameters. The system is based on a μ-liquid–liquid extraction of the analytes through a polymeric membrane from the aqueous to the organic solvent layer which is in close contact with the internal reflection element and continuously monitored. Samples are automatically processed using a simple, robust sequential injection analysis (SIA) configuration, on-line coupled to the instrument. The global signal obtained for both families of compounds are processed via a multivariate calibration technique (partial least squares, PLS). Excellent correlation was obtained for the values given by the proposed method compared to those of the gravimetric reference one with very low error values for both calibration and validation.

Graphical abstract: ATR-FTIR membrane-based sensor for the simultaneous determination of surfactant and oil total indices in industrial degreasing baths

Article information

Article type
25 Oct 2005
25 Nov 2005
First published
14 Dec 2005

Analyst, 2006,131, 415-421

ATR-FTIR membrane-based sensor for the simultaneous determination of surfactant and oil total indices in industrial degreasing baths

R. Lucena, S. Cárdenas, M. Gallego and M. Valcárcel, Analyst, 2006, 131, 415 DOI: 10.1039/B515163E

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