Issue 1, 2005

Novel carbon dioxide and carbonyl carbonate complexes of molybdenum. The X-ray structures of trans-[Mo(CO2)2{HN(CH2CH2PMe2)2}(PMe3)] and [Mo32-CO3)(μ2-O)2(O)2(CO)2(H2O)(PMe3)6]·H2O


A new bis(carbon dioxide) adduct of molybdenum containing the tridentate, bis(phosphine) ligand, HN(CH2CH2PMe2)2 (NP2), in a mer conformation has been synthesized and structurally characterized. Its carbonyl carbonate isomer [Mo(CO3)(CO)(NP2)(PMe3)] has also been prepared. In addition, the reactivity of the complex [Mo(CO3)(CO)(PMe3)4] toward CO has been studied, a transformation that has led to the formation of the dicarbonyl complex [Mo(CO3)(CO)2(PMe3)3]. This complex liberates CO2 upon heating under a carbon monoxide atmosphere by means of a CO–CO3 conproportionation reaction. The new trinuclear complex [Mo32-CO3)(μ2-O)2(O)2(CO)2(H2O)(PMe3)6]·H2O, resulting from the interaction of [Mo(CO3)(CO)(PMe3)4] and water, has been isolated and structurally characterized.

Graphical abstract: Novel carbon dioxide and carbonyl carbonate complexes of molybdenum. The X-ray structures of trans-[Mo(CO2)2{HN(CH2CH2PMe2)2}(PMe3)] and [Mo3(μ2-CO3)(μ2-O)2(O)2(CO)2(H2O)(PMe3)6]·H2O

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Article information

Article type
19 Jun 2004
10 Nov 2004
First published
13 Dec 2004

New J. Chem., 2005,29, 109-115

Novel carbon dioxide and carbonyl carbonate complexes of molybdenum. The X-ray structures of trans-[Mo(CO2)2{HN(CH2CH2PMe2)2}(PMe3)] and [Mo32-CO3)(μ2-O)2(O)2(CO)2(H2O)(PMe3)6]·H2O

L. Contreras, M. Paneque, M. Sellin, E. Carmona, P. J. Pérez, E. Gutiérrez-Puebla, A. Monge and C. Ruiz, New J. Chem., 2005, 29, 109 DOI: 10.1039/B409385B

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