Volume 129, 2005

Dynamics of phospholipid monolayers on polarised liquid–liquid interfaces


Quasi-elastic laser light scattering (QELS) is used to investigate dynamics of the polarised water|1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) interface in the presence of adsorbed DL-α-dipalmitoyl-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) over a range of the interfacial potential differences (±0.3 V) and DPPC concentrations (0–20 μM). An analysis of the frequency of thermally excited capillary waves reveals some novel features in the adsorption of DPPC. The effect of the capillary wavenumber on the capillary wave frequency and the damping factor suggest that the dynamic behaviour of ITIES is consistent with the theoretical predictions for a sharp liquid–liquid interface.

Article information

Article type
14 Apr 2004
28 May 2004
First published
22 Sep 2004

Faraday Discuss., 2005,129, 301-313

Dynamics of phospholipid monolayers on polarised liquid–liquid interfaces

Z. Samec, A. Trojánek and P. Krtil, Faraday Discuss., 2005, 129, 301 DOI: 10.1039/B405377J

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