Issue 9, 2004

Synthesis of new dipyridylphenylaminosiloles for highly emissive organic electroluminescent devices


High-performance organic electroluminescent devices based on two new siloles, 1,1-dimethyl-2,5-bis(p-2,2′-dipyridylaminophenyl)silole (5) and 1,1-dimethyl-2,5-bis(p-2,2′-dipyridylaminophenyl)-3,4-diphenylsilole (8), acting as both electron- and hole-transporting material, are described. The best performance is attained with silole 8, which displays a luminescence of 104 Cd m−2 at 10 V for a current density of less than 0.2 A cm−2, which is as efficient as tris(8-hydroxyquinoline)aluminium (Alq3), one of the best candidates for electroluminescent materials under the same conditions.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of new dipyridylphenylaminosiloles for highly emissive organic electroluminescent devices

Article information

Article type
06 Apr 2004
22 Jun 2004
First published
02 Aug 2004

New J. Chem., 2004,28, 1086-1090

Synthesis of new dipyridylphenylaminosiloles for highly emissive organic electroluminescent devices

L. Aubouy, P. Gerbier, N. Huby, G. Wantz, L. Vignau, L. Hirsch and J. Janot, New J. Chem., 2004, 28, 1086 DOI: 10.1039/B405238B

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