Issue 11, 2004

Green chemistry analytical method development: a revisit on the use of potassium ferrioxalate as a chemical actinometer


The experimental details regarding the use of potassium ferrioxalate (3) as a chemical actinometer are discussed with respect to the precision, ruggedness and simplicity of the method. Despite the fact that as much as a ten-fold difference between the actinometer 3 quantum efficiency and the analyte quantum efficiency was observed, these differences were compensated for by the use of multiple actinometer solutions during the quantum yield determinations. As a tool in process development, the advantages of the merry-go-round apparatus for the evaluation of the influence of experimental conditions for the quantum yield of photochemical reactions are also discussed.

Graphical abstract: Green chemistry analytical method development: a revisit on the use of potassium ferrioxalate as a chemical actinometer

Article information

Article type
08 Jul 2004
03 Sep 2004
First published
27 Oct 2004

Green Chem., 2004,6, 578-582

Green chemistry analytical method development: a revisit on the use of potassium ferrioxalate as a chemical actinometer

R. R. Sauers, S. D. Van Arnum and A. A. Scimone, Green Chem., 2004, 6, 578 DOI: 10.1039/B410391B

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