Issue 1, 2004

Interactions between a surfactant and cavitand in water blur distinctions between host and guest


The complexation of a water-soluble cavitand and sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles is studied using NMR diffusion ordered spectroscopy.

Graphical abstract: Interactions between a surfactant and cavitand in water blur distinctions between host and guest

Article information

Article type
17 Sep 2003
29 Oct 2003
First published
28 Nov 2003

Chem. Commun., 2004, 58-59

Interactions between a surfactant and cavitand in water blur distinctions between host and guest

L. Trembleau and J. Rebek Jr, Chem. Commun., 2004, 58 DOI: 10.1039/B311424D

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