Issue 10, 2004

Band spreading control in electrophoresis microchips by localized zeta-potential variation using field-effect


The paper proposes a new technique, which varies the zeta potential along the channel walls in the vicinity of the microchannel corners in such as a way as to minimize the effects of turn-induced dispersion within U-shaped separation channels. The effects of the separation channel geometry, the fluid velocity profile, and boundary control of the zeta potential on the band distribution in the detection area are all discussed within this paper. The results for the folded square U-shaped separation channel indicate that boundary control of the zeta potential by field-effect significantly reduces the band dispersion induced by the 90° turns. Finally, the results confirm that application of the proposed localized zeta potential variation method results in a correction of the band tilting phenomenon and a reduction in the racetrack effect.

Article information

Article type
10 Dec 2003
22 Jul 2004
First published
10 Aug 2004

Analyst, 2004,129, 931-937

Band spreading control in electrophoresis microchips by localized zeta-potential variation using field-effect

C. Lee, C. Lin and L. Fu, Analyst, 2004, 129, 931 DOI: 10.1039/B407627N

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