Issue 9, 2003

Europium doped nanocrystalline titanium dioxide: preparation, phase transformation and photocatalytic properties


Eu3+ (0.25∼10 at.%) doped nanocrystalline titania have been prepared by a special sol–gel method. The XRD results show that the temperature of anatase-to-rutile phase transformation is substantially increased by europium doping and the increase is not proportional to the doped lanthanide content. The highest increase was observed for 1 at.% europium doped samples, which maintained an anatase phase after calcination at 900 °C for 1 h. Together with the increase observed for the phase transformation, the sintering and surface loss associated with the process were significantly reduced as well. Rhodamine B (RB) degradation was used as a probe reaction to determine the effects of the reactivity of the catalyst over a variety of as-prepared materials. The europium doping could bring about remarkable improvement in the photoactivity and the optimum enhancement of photoactivity is seen for 1 at.% europium doped titania. However, the europium doped titania prepared by impregnation only results in diminished activity, showing that the preparation method and distribution of europium play a key role in the photoactivity.

Graphical abstract: Europium doped nanocrystalline titanium dioxide: preparation, phase transformation and photocatalytic properties

Article information

Article type
16 May 2003
27 Jun 2003
First published
14 Jul 2003

J. Mater. Chem., 2003,13, 2261-2265

Europium doped nanocrystalline titanium dioxide: preparation, phase transformation and photocatalytic properties

Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Xu and Y. Wang, J. Mater. Chem., 2003, 13, 2261 DOI: 10.1039/B305538H

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