In the reactions of the isotopically labelled iodide (Me3Si)3CSi(CD3)2I with silver salts AgX the mixtures of unrearranged (Me3Si)3CSi(CD3)2X and rearranged (Me3Si)2[(CD3)2MeSi]CSiMe2X are formed in lower yields in CF3CH2OH than in EtOH but the proportion of the rearranged isomer is markedly larger in the former alcohol, sometimes approaching 50%. The yields of the trifluoroethoxides (Me3Si)3CSi(CD3)2OCH2CF3 and (Me3Si)2[(CD3)2MeSi]CSiMe2OCH2CF3 are correspondingly smaller than those of the ethoxides in EtOH, but the percentage of the rearranged product is markedly higher, at 63 ± 5, the first observations of percentages of rearranged alkoxide products of >
50%. In some reactions in which not all the iodide has reacted that remaining contains significant amounts of the rearranged iodide (Me3Si)2[(CD3)2MeSi]CSiMe2I. Formation from this of (Me3Si)2[(CD3)2MeSi]CSiMe2X and (Me3Si)2[(CD3)2MeSi]CSiMe2OCH2CF3 must contribute to the unusually high proportions of rearranged products in this medium. It is suggested that the initial reaction of the (Me3Si)3CSi(CD3)2I with AgX produces an ion pair containing the Me-bridged cation [(Me3Si)2Me2S
e]+ and the argentate ion [AgXI]− and that attack on the cation by the solvent at either the α-Si or γ-Si ends of the bridge to give trifluoroethoxides competes
with release of an X− or an I− ion from the argentate ion to the α-site and also with migration of the argentate ion to the γ-site. The cation in the new ion pair formed by this migration can then in turn be attacked by the solvent or abstract X− or I− from the argentate ion. Such migration of argentate ion is assumed to occur also in the corresponding reactions in inert and other hydroxylic media.
Reaction of (Me3Si)3CSiEt2I with AgO3SMe in CF3CH2OH gives the expected (Me3Si)3CSiEt2OSO2Me, (Me3Si)2(Et2MeSi)CSiMe2OSO2Me, (Me3Si)3CSiEt2OCH2CF3, and (Me3Si)2(Et2MeSi)CSiMe2OSO2Me, together with a little (Me3Si)2(EtMe2Si)CSiMeEtOCH2CF3.
The presence of this last product is attributed to the generation of some of the rearranged iodide (Me3Si)2(Et2MeSi)CSiMe2I and formation from that of an Et-bridged cation. The iodide (Me3Si)3CSi(CD3)2I also undergoes solvolysis slowly in refluxing CF3CH2OH alone to give the rearranged and unrearranged trifluoroethoxides, but only in roughly 1 ∶ 4 ratio.
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