Volume 121, 2002

In situ video-STM studies of dynamic processes at electrochemical interfaces


Atomic-scale dynamic processes during Cu(100) dissolution/deposition in pure and Cu-containing 0.01 M HCl solution were studied in situ by high-speed electrochemical STM (video-STM). Direct observations of the equilibrium fluctuations at atomic kinks in the steps on the crystal surface due to the local removal/addition of atoms reveal the same anisotropic behavior found previously in Cu-free electrolytes, caused by the influence of the ordered (2 × 2) Cl adlayer on the kink structure. A first quantitative analysis of these fluctuations and interpretation in terms of a local current exchange density was attempted. In addition, observations on the nucleation of vacancy- or ad-rows at terrace corners and within the Cu steps are presented and the relevance of these processes for the macroscopic current density is discussed.

Article information

Article type
02 Jan 2002
14 Jan 2002
First published
27 Jun 2002

Faraday Discuss., 2002,121, 43-52

In situ video-STM studies of dynamic processes at electrochemical interfaces

O. M. Magnussen, W. Polewska, L. Zitzler and R. J. Behm, Faraday Discuss., 2002, 121, 43 DOI: 10.1039/B200016B

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