Issue 22, 2002

The first (tripyrrinato)nickel(ii) complexes, TrpyNiX with X = Cl, Br, I: synthesis, structures and solvent coordination


A first series of nickel(II)complexes TrpyNi(II)X of the new tripyrrolic ligand 2,15-dimethyl-3,4,8,9,13,14-hexaethyltripyrrin with X = Cl, Br and I was prepared and characterized by spectroscopic and structural means. The coordination geometry found for the four-coordinate, paramagnetic bromo- and iodo-derivatives in the solid state can best be described as distorted trigonal-bipyramidal with one ligand missing in the trigonal plane. For the chloro derivative, this empty site is occupied in the crystal by a water ligand. As proton NMR studies on the paramagnetic TrpyNiCl reveal, an equilibrium exists between the four- and five-, but not a six-coordinate form, and for pyridine-N-oxide as the fifth ligand thermodynamic data of the ligand association could be obtained by a temperature dependent NMR titration study.

Graphical abstract: The first (tripyrrinato)nickel(ii) complexes, TrpyNiX with X = Cl, Br, I: synthesis, structures and solvent coordination

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 Sep 2002
24 Sep 2002
First published
24 Oct 2002

J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2002, 4213-4218

The first (tripyrrinato)nickel(II) complexes, TrpyNiX with X = Cl, Br, I: synthesis, structures and solvent coordination

M. Bröring, S. Prikhodovski and C. D. Brandt, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 2002, 4213 DOI: 10.1039/B209212N

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