Issue 3, 2001

Efficient solvent-free O-silylation of alcohols with R3SiCl


Solvent-free O-silylation of liquid or crystalline alcohols with liquid or crystalline silyl chlorides proceeds efficiently to give silyl ethers in good yield. O-Silylation of sterically hindered alcohols which cannot be performed in solution is also accomplished efficiently under solvent-free conditions.

Article information

Article type
15 Mar 2001
First published
30 May 2001

Green Chem., 2001,3, 140-142

Efficient solvent-free O-silylation of alcohols with R3SiCl

B. Hatano, S. Toyota and F. Toda, Green Chem., 2001, 3, 140 DOI: 10.1039/B102447G

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