Firing temperature dependence of Eu diffusion in Eu-Y2O2S studied by 89Y MAS NMR
89 Y MAS NMR (magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance) and powder X-ray diffraction were applied in order to elucidate the crystal growth process, Eu doping process, and Eu distribution in a red phosphor, Eu-doped Y2O2S (Eu-Y2O2S), fired at varying temperatures, as well as the correlation between such material properties and the phosphor quality. The spin–lattice relaxation time (T1) was measured for the main peak at 292 ppm due to Y atoms located far from the paramagnetic Eu and for the satellite peaks due to three types of Y1 atoms [here, Y1 is the Y atom μ-bridged by O and/or S atoms to an Eu atom, such as Y1(–O–,–S–)Eu]. The T1 values for Y1, T1(Y1), were independent of the firing temperature from 900 to 1200°C and depend on the type of μ-bridge, indicating that T1(Y1) is not influenced by crystal characteristics such as crystallite size and degree of lattice disorder, but is influenced by the interatomic distance between Y1 and the doped Eu. The T1 values of the main peak, T1(Yn), were influenced by the Eu distribution. Comparing T1(Yn) to parameters such as the chromaticity coordinates, brightness and intensity of emission, it was found that the substitution of Eu at the Y site in Y2O2S and the random distribution of Eu are accelerated with the elevation of the firing temperature from 900 to 1200°C. The amount of Eu substituted at random into the Y2O2S crystal was evaluated as the effective Eu concentration for monitoring the properties of the phosphor. The interrelation between the brightness, the line-width and T1(Yn) in 89Y NMR, the amount of effective Eu, and the crystallinity of Eu-Y2O2S was elucidated.