constants for the reaction of OH radicals with trans-1,2-dichloroethene and 1,1-dichloroethene have been determined at a pressure of 1.6 Torr and at T
= 298 ± 2 K using the discharge-flow technique. The
same method was used to study for the first time the kinetics of the reactions of atomic Cl with trans-1,2-dichloroethene
and with 1,1-dichloroethene at low pressure. The values obtained for the rate constants for the Cl-atom
reactions are significantly lower than those published previously, which refer to atmospheric pressure.
The rate coefficients are therefore likely to be strongly pressure dependent over the range 1.6–760 Torr. The
value obtained at low pressure may be considered as the upper limit of the rate constant for the abstraction channel. The kinetic data obtained are summarised below.
release of atomic chlorine following the reaction of OH radicals with trans-1,2-dichloroethene, 1,1-dichloroethene
and vinyl chloride has been observed by a direct method for the first time. The reaction of
trans-1,2-dichloroethene with OH radicals gives a yield of Cl atoms that is essentially unity. The yield is
independent of the presence of molecular oxygen, suggesting that Cl is released promptly after the addition of
OH. Some release of Cl following the reaction of OH with 1,1-dichloroethene occurs in the absence of oxygen,
although the release is enhanced by the presence of NO2 in the system. The dominant channel leading to the
formation of Cl appears not to be the initial reaction with OH, but rather the decomposition of an alkoxy
radical that is formed in a secondary process. The presence of molecular oxygen increases the yield of Cl
atoms, probably as a result of increased formation of the alkoxy radical. The lower limit of the yield in the
absence of O2 and NO2 is estimated to be 0.03; the corresponding limit when O2 is present is 0.05. Roughly
0.09 Cl atoms are released from vinyl chloride for each OH radical consumed. The release is due to the initial
reaction of OH radicals, and the yield appears to correspond to the branching ratio for addition of OH to the
more substituted end of the carbon–carbon double bond. FTIR spectroscopic studies were made of the
products of reaction of Cl with 2-chloroethanol in the presence of O2. This reaction provides a mimic of the
reaction of OH with vinyl chloride in that the same peroxy radical species, CH2(OH)CHClO2, is formed. The
only organic products observed are formyl chloride and chloroacetaldehyde. The formyl chloride results from
the abstraction of an H atom from the carbon atom bearing the Cl substituent. Formaldehyde formed in the
system is photolysed to produce CO, an observed product. Chloroacetaldehyde is formed following the
abstraction of a hydrogen from the carbon atom bearing the OH group. The oxidation of vinyl chloride by
OH in the atmosphere proceeds
ia the formation of CH2(OH)CH2ClO2. In the absence of NOx, the peroxy
radical reacts with RO2 to yield the corresponding alkoxy radical. This alkoxy radical appears to decompose
in exactly the same way as it does when it has been formed by the reaction of CH2(OH)CH2ClO2 with NO.