Issue 4, 2001

Fluorescence quenching high-performance thin-layer chromatographic analysis utilizing a scientifically operated charge-coupled device detector


A scientifically operated charge-coupled device detector combined with fluorescence quenching high-performance thin-layer chromatographic plates was employed for the detection of organic compounds, The plates were excited with 254 nm light from a mercury lamp, and quantitative information was obtained from organic compounds that absorbed the optimum conditions for detection. The linear dynamic range, sensitivity, and reproducibility of the system were evaluted by quantitative analysis of famotidine, acetaminophen, caffeine, and acetylsalicylic acid. The detection limits of the system were found to be in the nanogram range.

Article information

Article type
25 Jul 2000
05 Jan 2001
First published
16 Mar 2001

Analyst, 2001,126, 446-450

Fluorescence quenching high-performance thin-layer chromatographic analysis utilizing a scientifically operated charge-coupled device detector

R. E. Simon, L. K. Walton, Y. Liang and M. B. Denton, Analyst, 2001, 126, 446 DOI: 10.1039/B006799G

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