Crossed-beam videochemiluminescence: dynamics of the Ba(1P1)+N2O→BaO(A′ 1Π, v′⩽3)+N2 reaction
Using the videochemiluminescence technique the excited Ba(1P1)+N2O→BaO*(A′ 1Π, v′⩽3)+N2 reaction was investigated under beam–beam conditions and a collision energy of 0.155 eV. The spatial (angular) distributions of the long-lived BaO*(A′ 1Π) product were imaged using a CCD camera. The analysis of the product angular distribution suggests a direct mechanism in which the excited BaO*(A′ 1Π) shows a moderate backward scattering with the total energy of the reaction mostly channelled into product internal energy. The basic features of this novel technique are also reported.