Issue 22, 2000

Energy transfer cassettes based on BODIPY® dyesElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: absorption and emission spectra of donor and acceptor A and of 1 and experimental details for the spectroscopic measurements. See


The donor–acceptor dye cassettes 1–4 were designed to capture energy at a single wavelength and to convert it to well-resolved, intense fluorescence emissions; in practice, Stokes’ shifts of 40–148 nm, quantum yields of 0.12–0.60, and efficient energy transfer was demonstrated.

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
16 Aug 2000
08 Sep 2000
First published
31 Oct 2000

Chem. Commun., 2000, 2203-2204

Energy transfer cassettes based on BODIPY® dyes

A. Burghart, L. H. Thoresen, J. Chen, K. Burgess, F. Bergström and L. B.-Å. Johansson, Chem. Commun., 2000, 2203 DOI: 10.1039/B006769P

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