Issue 7, 2000

Measurement of the continuous distribution of binding sites in molecularly imprinted polymersElectronic Supplementary Information available. See


Reported is the first affinity spectrum (AS) [number of binding sites (N) vs. association constant (K)] for a non-covalently imprinted polymer. The AS method yields the distribution of sites over a continuous range of binding constants and characterizes the heterogeneity present in imprinted polymers better than current methodologies. To demonstrate the generality of the AS method, the distributions for three different imprinted polymers (two of which were taken from the literature) were calculated from their respective binding isotherms. The shapes of the distribution curves were different yet consistent with the respective covalent or non-covalent imprinting mechanisms. Finally, the binding parameters derived from the AS method were compared with those determined by the more common Scatchard analysis and were in general agreement.

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
02 Mar 2000
28 Apr 2000
First published
12 Jun 2000

Analyst, 2000,125, 1261-1265

Measurement of the continuous distribution of binding sites in molecularly imprinted polymers

R. J. Umpleby II, M. Bode and K. D. Shimizu, Analyst, 2000, 125, 1261 DOI: 10.1039/B002354J

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